Kuraray Panavia V5 Try-in Paste 1.8ml Syringe Opaque

Code: KURA-3625-EU

Available to Order - with additional delivery time

RRP: €38.77

Simplify your cementation with the need for only one cementation system that covers all indications. Panavia V5 comes in a handy automix syringe for easy, time saving application, with easy clean-up of excess cement.

  • Covers all cementation indications
  • Automix application saves time due to easy application
  • Available in 5 shades for accurate shade matching
  • Low film thickness gives tight fit
  • Reliable marginal sealing reduces sensitivity
  • Tooth Primer and Ceramic Primer Plus contain MDP for best bond durability

  • Cementation of crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays
  • Cementation of veneers
  • Cementation of adhesion bridges and splints
  • Cementation of prosthetic restorations on implant abutments and frames
  • Cementation of posts and cores
  • Amalgam bonding


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